Thursday, August 13, 2009


The industry wants us to dumb ourselves down for our people so we cant enlighten and make our people stronger. So alot of the time we make songs with good catchy lyrics that people want to hear to get radio play because at the end of the day your living in a white society and your music is getting ran by radio stations. Who owns these companies that are signing these artists and playing these radio songs. Definitely not the black people, its all controlled by white america who have tooken away our strength as artists. Im going to stand out as an artists and speak about what i see and what other people are scared to talk about and thats why artists like 2pac stuck out, because he talked about what people didnt wanna hear and was shying away from he separated himself from the pack and thats what you have to do. I want to be remembereed as an artist who was revolutionary like the greats who did it before me. The injustice that people go through today are as equal as the past it just underneath things that we take for granted such as television and other media. We as a people would never know these things because we are always on the chase for money or into our daily norms taht we dont take the time to educate ourselves and people around us on real life issues and shit that matters. We condition ourselves to listen to bullshit and it has alot to do with white america which are the people who owns these corporations and labels, who have the authority to give people the green light. We need to take responsibility and bring it back to real music in society regardless if people dont wanna hear it or not and i guarantee you will get alot of yays then nays. I will continue to preach real music because ima revolutionary artists and i hope everybody else takes this in consideration so they can enrich our society with music they will feel.